Two Saturdays ago (Feb 9), I ordered 2 boxes of acrylic nails (O-Brand) from Lazada. Though one of the boxes had a slight damage, the fake nails themselves were totally fine (I'm just O.C. haha) and I also got them the earliest business day possible: Feb 11, Monday. 7am.
That's the earliest delivery I experienced so far in my whole life lol!
Usually I had my items delivered by Lazada in the afternoon, either before or during my trading hours. Good thing they always text beforehand so I could get ready.
Edit 7/30/2019: I like the delivery options more now in its competitor. They're all nice too and they give notifications through email, sms and chat when delivery is on its way.
Anyway, so I tried them on. I initially used double-sided tape just to showcase them in this video:
But when I went out, this was how I put the acrylic nails on safely to avoid any risk of damaging my nails:
1. Put clear nail polish as base coat to prevent any glue from touching my nails because I don't wanna end up with creepy nails afterwards (if you don't know what those horror stories are about post-acrylic nails, it's best not to Google them or else you'll regret it).
2. Add double-sided tape afterwards.
3. Carefully put a dot of nail glue on top of the double-sided tape, making sure it doesn't touch your nails or skin (it smells like Mighty Bond).
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Since I have really small hands (like a kid's lol), the acrylic nails were too big in general. So I had to trim them first and make sure they have at least the same level of curvature as my nails, or else they would keep popping out.
The freebie nail glue wasn't that strong, but that's alright. At least less risk in damaging my nails.
Fabulous yet dirt cheap and convenient.
Who knew I could convince a guy to try them out too! 😹
Overall, they're best used if you're attending an event for only a few hours then remove them afterwards by slowly lifting up the double-sided tape. For longer wear, I don't really advise using this. Best to grow your own nails and use powder nail polish instead.
But will I buy other designs in the future? Definitely 😺 Depending on how lazy I get, either I'll drop by and try the ones I often hear about from Landmark, or simply order again from Lazada (#notspons lol).
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